Regret calls us to look at a previous behavior or choice. A physician named Craig Bowron states that regret can affect a person growth negatively, positively, and guess what? We choose how regret will affect us by the emotion we use to translate our regrets.
When we look back we determine how we will think about, relate to, and make sense of and then use this thing called regret, there are two emotions that although many people think about them as interchangeable, from a psychological perspective, they actually refer to different experiences. These two emotions are guilt and shame.
The same action may give rise to feelings of both guilt and shame, where shame reflects how we feel about ourselves and the guilt involves an awareness that our actions have injured someone else.
In everyday language people tend to use these two words more or less interchangeably; as a therapist, the distinction I'm trying to clarify is important and useful. Many people...
Will Smith, an actor I enjoy, was incensed over celebrity gossip Web site articles that he said misinterpreted a December 25, 2007 remark he made in a Scottish newspaper about Adolf Hitler. Since 2007 misinterpretation, or words twisted to make a political statement have only gotten worse. There seems to be little grace these days and what can be misinterpreted, depending on your political leanings, will be misinterpreted by your enemies. It used to be that our enemies were people who wanted to destroy freedom of speech but now, enemies are simply people who disagree with your speech.
The quote Smith said was misinterpreted "Even Hitler didn't wake up going, 'let me do the evilest thing I can do today.' I think he woke up in the morning and using twisted, backward logic, he set out to do what he thought was 'good,'” originated from a story published Saturday, December 23, 2007, in the Daily Record.
I think Smith, in his attempt to make a statement about what he obviously...
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